Prepare for a Journey of biblical discovery hidden from antiquity by the Lord for this last Church Age.
Prepare for a Journey of biblical discovery hidden from antiquity by the Lord for this last Church Age.
Have you ever questioned why there are so many Protestant denominations while we all worship the same God and basically use the same Bible? Are you aware that Christ is disappointed with this church age and our form of worship (Revelation 3:14-22)? Have you not observed that the Church is in a period of decline? It seems that after 2,000 years, we still do not understand what the Lord wants and needs from His redeemed. Welcome to Laodicea, the last church age of God’s displeasure.
There's much to see and learn, here. So, take your time, open your mind, and listen for the messages of the Holy Spirit for Christ's Church, His redeemed.
From the Teaching Ministry of
Robert Allen Epperson
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